BISA is a suicide prevention and mental health support line, provided by Bali Bersama Bisa foundation.

List Of Resources

Concerned about your own, or a loved ones, mental health?

If you’re grappling with your own or a loved one’s mental health, seek support here for deeper understanding. Here at BISA, we’ve thoughtfully curated the following array of invaluable resources to assist you during moments of crisis and in your journey toward a more fulfilling life through healing and self-awareness. We are committed to staying abreast of the latest insights and compassionate wisdom to aid those overwhelmed by the ever-changing currents of modern life.


This is the help section that may be of most use to you right now.

I am having thoughts about suicide. Is there anything that can help me through this?

Is there something wrong with me? Or do other people feel like this too? What can I do?

Thoughts of suicide can be frightening, confusing and isolating. Suicidal thoughts can occur to anyone at any point in their life. They are more common than you may realize. When life doesn’t seem worth living anymore, it may seem that the only way to find relief is through suicide. When you’re feeling this way, it may be hard to believe, but you do have other options. Take a step back and separate your emotions from your actions for the moment.

Recognize that depression and hopelessness can distort your perceptions and reduce your ability to make good decisions.
Realize that suicidal feelings are the result of treatable problems.
Act as if there are other options instead of suicide, even if you may not see them right now. It may not be easy, and you might not feel better overnight. Eventually, though, the sense of hopelessness — and thoughts of suicide — will lift.
We understand what it’s like to have thoughts about suicide. Sometimes when we’re feeling overwhelmed, our thoughts and feelings can spiral out of control. Grounding techniques that bring our thoughts and attention back to the present moment can help short-circuit unhelpful or distressing thoughts.
We have found an effective grounding technique the ‘5 senses’, which uses our 5 senses to focus our attention away from our anxiety, and back to the present.

Please give this a go and really feel and follow this. Try to notice and put a name to:

* Five things you can see
* Four things you can feel
* Three things you can hear
* Two things you can smell
* One thing you can taste

To connect with the present moment, you might prefer trying these other grounding techniques:

Doing some exercise, maybe go for a walk and appreciate nature
Meditation, or listening to calming music
Cook yourself a meal
Taking a long hot or cold shower.

I'm feeling really anxious right now, what can I do?

Anxiety can at times be really overwhelming.

Here is a breathing technique that is easy to follow and has proven to be really helpful to balance the anxious feelings that well up in us from time to time.

Self harm - what can I do to help with this?

Self harm can, in some cases become an addictive behaviour. In times, if, or when you feel the need to harm yourself you can work on something less damaging. One of the best methods that seems to help lots of people is to work on a different method of self harm.

If you can find a rubber band, place this around your wrist, then if you feel the need to harm yourself, flick the rubber band.

This can often be really helpful!

I am feeling really lonely. What can i do when I'm feeling like this?

Loneliness is one of the biggest factors affecting people all around the planet right now. Loneliness can often start as what seems like a very small issue, though if left unattended loneliness can lead to depression which in turn can lead some people to suicidal thoughts. It’s important that we deal with loneliness as early as possible.

Below is a great website that explains all about loneliness and what to do to help yourself deal with loneliness.

Lack of focus?

Turn off all communication devices and all social media. If needed try listening to mellow music, classical or jazz music can help, or even binaural beats played lightly in the background can help with focus too. The main point is no distractions. Take a break every few hours to stretch, drink some water and then back to focusing on the subject.

If you enjoy reading check out Johann Hari’s great book called Stolen Focus.

If you’re not much of a reader or struggle to focus on reading right now, check out this talk with Johann Hari and Stephen Fry.

Problems focusing on study work?

One way to really help boost your focus on studying is to turn off your phone and not do any social media. Mobile phones are really distracting and if we turn them off our focus goes on the subject at hand. It may take a little while to get used to change the habit of being online, though it’s really helpful and will be great for your focus.
Many of the callers we have shared with this with have literally changed their focus overnight by doing this very simple new behaviour.


Overthinking is one of the most debilitating issues we can have. The thing is, millions of people are struggling with this overthinking mind. It’s only when we learn to understand that we are not the thoughts, we are simply the awareness of the thought that we can create a new change in the way we think.

One of the best resources to help learn more about the why we think how we think is Michael Singer’s book The Untethered Soul.

This book was gifted to Oprah Winfrey, she found it to be such a game changer that she bought hundreds of copies and started to give it out to her friends. Now Michael Singer is one of Oprah’s Winfrey’s biggest mentors in life.

If reading is not your thing, there are lots of great video’s with Michael Singer sharing his wisdom. In the video link below you can hear Oprah Winfrey interviewing Michael about the book.

How to deal with death of loved ones?

Here’s a little something to think about and contemplate if you’re still grieving over a loved one or loved ones.
Have you ever thought about what your loved ones would have wanted for you after they passed over?
Do you think a loved who passed away would want you to be upset right now, or, perhaps do you think they might want you to continue on with your own life?
One question we can ask ourselves when someone really close to us passes over is; what would they want from or for us?

Would they want us to be sad and upset, or, would they want us to be happy knowing that you knew each other and that you could cherish the good memories?

Parental issues?

This might sound odd to think about when we are going through our own struggles and challenges, though could it be that your parents are going through a tough time at the moment?

Could it be that your parent/s could be going through any challenges in life right now?

Often what people do, parents included, without even knowing it, is to project their issues onto their children. One way to help ourselves get through times of struggle is to have empathy and compassion for others. While we here at LISA are not promoting any religious bias we do see great wisdom in many of the teachings, such a phrase like “”forgive them for they know what they do”” can be often be helpful when dealing with people projecting their own personal challenges onto others.

Parental child abuse?

Child abuse is rarely about you. Its rarely about you being a bad child. Could your parents be going through a very tough emotional time in their lives? Could your parents be projecting their pain and suffering you?

Often parents have expectations and hold on to these expectations and forget to think about the harm they might be doing to their loved ones. Again, as we mentioned above, one of the most powerful statements we can learn from is “”forgive them for they know not what they do””. While this is a statement from a religious teaching, it’s important not to view it from a particular religion, rather view the statement as a mantra to live by. Even for those who have no religious beliefs or different beliefs this still holds strong as a great truth to live by.

Experiencing self hatred?

It’s all too east to put ourselves down and feel like we are the worst human being. We here at LISA know that you’re not, we know this because you care more than others than this is why you are here researching, reading about ways to help yourself. You do this, because you care about yourself enough to do so.

We here at LISA care about you too.

Feeling overwhelmed?

If you can direct your attention outside yourself. Observe the light in the room, pay attention to whatever is on your desk, catch that smell of coffee percolating in the kitchen, notice the wood grain on the table, or listen to the distant sounds of cars in the street. Don’t let anything go unobserved. Notice every tiny detail around you. This is what you used to do as a newborn child. Just observe.
Alternatively, you can borrow from meditation techniques and turn your attention within. Pay close attention to your body. Tune in to any sore muscles from yesterday’s workout or back pain from sitting at your desk too long. Observe your breathing or feel the blood pumping through your body.

Feel like you failed?

Here’s the great actor and gentleman Denzel Washington giving a most inspiring speech on his own personal failures and how failure is inevitable and how great successes come through failures.

Are you not happy?

Is happiness really the right thing to be seeking in life?

In this short video talk Matthew McConaughey does a great job of sharing Why You’re Not Happy and why seeking happiness may not be the best way to go.

I really want to do something to help myself, can LISA help me?

If you are ready to do some work to help yourself we here at LISA would be happy to arrange an online meeting for you. One of our support buddies can work with you to offer you some suggestions of ways to move forward.

Apply here for a one on one talk with one our Support Buddies:

Ever felt you have no value here?

Here’s a very powerful speech by Jeremy Anderson which is a fantastic analogy to human value!

Is life all about success?
Here’s Denzel Washington with a really inspiring talk about how we are forced to think about success and the power of giving


This is the help section that may be of most use to you right now.

What can I do if I think a family member, friend or work colleague that might be suicidal?

Here are some very helpful videos designed to help you understand much more how to deal with loved ones going through mental health issues. Please watch and take part in this simple training session.

How can I respond to a family member, friend or work colleague that might be suicidal?

All you can do is be there for them without judgement. It’s often difficult when we see our friends talking about suicide.

How about sharing something like this with your friend.

“I heard about a hotline that help with people in challenging and even stressful situations, how would you feel about contacting them?

How to best communicate and be there for a family member, friend or work colleague that might be suicidal?

This issue of depression and suicide is a lot more common than most people think. Most people struggling may not want to talk about their mental health or feelings for fear of judgement.

The first way to help, is to listen.

Giving the gift of your time and presence to your child, be there to listen without judgement. Even if you may not agree with your child at that moment in time, listening without interruption is often the most helpful way to help. If you don’t agree with your child at that moment, continue to listen, allow your child to have an opinion at that moment. Maybe in a future moment when your child’s mood might be brighter it might be possible to discuss the topic again.

If communication is not so good, it might be an idea to start by asking something like “your mood seems a little lower than usual, is there anything you would like to share? Perhaps there’s something not right at school, or with friends, or even something in the family that is upsetting you at all?”
Again, of utmost importance is to listen without interrupting your child. Being heard is the most rewarding someone who is depressed. It’s best not to offer solutions as this can be seen as judgement.

If the timing feels right, you could also possibly share something like this with your family member or friend.

“I heard about a hotline that help with people in challenging and even stressful situations, how would you feel about contacting them?

It looks like my child or friend is harming themselves - what can I do to help with this?

Self harm can, in some cases become an addictive behaviour. If you suspect a a loved one is harming themselves if the person is ok to talk about it, you can offer them to work on something less damaging.

One of the best methods that seems to help lots of people is to work on a different method when they feel the need to harm themselves is to have a rubber band around the wrist, then if there’s ever the feeling or need for self harm, flick the rubber band.

This can often be really helpful!

A friend or family member seems to be struggling to deal with death of loved one - what can I do to help?


How can I tell if a family member / friend could be depressed or even suicidal?


A person may be at high risk of attempting suicide if they:

. are talking about harming themselves or taking their own life
. if they talk or write about death, dying or suicide
. are actively seeking ways to take their own life, such as storing lots of medication

If someone you know shows any of these high risk warning signs, invite them to visit this RESOURCES page, perhaps they will find something useful here.

There is a lot of stigma for people struggling with mental health issues so it can be really helpful to mention that it’s totally ok to visit a mental health expert, be it doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, for therapists and counsellors, it’s always best to seek those who may specialist in such matters.

How can I respond to a friend and/or loved one who is talking about suicidal thoughts?

It is always best to respond with empathy.


This is the help section that may be of most use to you right now.


What is Bibliotherapy?
Samuel McChord Crothers first coined the term, “bibliotherapy,” around 1916, however this practice of prescribing books has been around since the Middle Ages. The modern way of thinking about this is “healing through reading”.

There’s a vast amount of people out there who can attest to their healing journey being the result of reading one particular book. The more great books we read, the more we are able to learn and share ths healing journey.

For many people the problem can be that the choice of books is just too overwhelming. It is this very reason why we feel the need to share some of the great books that have helped heal many people around the world.

Scott Peck – The Road Less Travelled

Scott is a psychiatrist and deep thinker who upon publishing this book became a great guide for many. This New York Times best-selling book stayed a best seller for more than 10 years and has touched over 10 million people. Numerous people have stated this special book changed their lives for the better. The power behind the opening statement “Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it” guides the reader to a deeper understanding of how to set one self up to live in alignment with this statement.

Michael Singer – The Untethered Soul.

By far the best book to help us understand why the monkey mind does what it does and how to overcome it.

Johann Hari – Lost Connections

This is probably the best, easy to read book on the social science around mental health, along with the reasons why and how to help oneself. We believe that Johann missed out one very valuable connection. See if you can also work out which connection he missed, or connect with us to find out more after reading it.

Johann Hari – Stolen Focus.

In this great book Johann talks about the why so many people are losing focus and how to change.

Matt Haig – Reasons to Stay Alive.

This is one of a great inspiring story of how Matt finds great reasons to stay alive while going through depression.

Napoleon Hill – Think and Grow Rich!

Don’t worry, we’re not trying to help you get monetarily rich. This is not a book about wealth in monetary terms, rather the seminal book on success in living a balanced life. Just about ever great mentor and speaker has read and been inspired by this including the worlds biggest mentor speaker Tony Robbins.

Stephen Covey – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

This is probably the best researched and written book on how to transform lives and find value in life. This has been a huge inspiration to many business people, parents, educators, students and many leading motivational speakers too. Recently it was made into a film too.

Eckhart Tolle – The Power of Now.

This may come across as a rather advanced book for some, however for many this has been a life changing book. It is the best book on understanding the power of being able to get into the present moment state. By being able to become more present we are able to overcome much of the suffering we face in life.